Vacationing in The Stingray city Trips

The Cayman Islands are the most prosperous islands in the Caribbean chain with a normal pay of around $35,000. The island chain comprises of three islands – Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Our site is

The success of the Caymans originates from the qualification of having more than 500 global managing an account establishments, and more than 25,000 enrolled organizations placed on their shores. The Caymans don’t have the real land mass to house 25,000 organizations, rather they have an exceptional enlisting framework which permits organizations to be legally enlisted by paying an expense, and after that hanging the organizations’ plaque on the divider in an administration building. It’s no big surprise the Caymans are a sanctuary for seaward ventures that give lucrative duty covers.

The dominant part of vacationers to the Caymans are not intrigued by assessment covers, they want the water brandishes, shorelines and family neighborly facilities. Don’t imagine it any other way, water games are King in the Caymans. Here you discover the deepest water in the Caribbean, and plunging devotees from everywhere throughout the world herd to the Caymans consistently.

The biggest and most well known traveler island is Grand Cayman, which is home to the greater part of lodgings, restaurants and nightlife. The littler islands of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman have a little neighborhood populace, constrained facilities and restaurants. What they do offer is a more disconnected get-away spot with less packed shorelines, constrained lodging, incredible plunging and snorkeling, neighborhood food, and a chance to have more contact with the nearby populace. Local people on these two islands feel that their huge sister island has an excess of individuals, inns, and movement.

The greater part of the lodgings on Grand Cayman are found on the well known seven mile shoreline. This island offers the best in housing, restaurants, and a mixed bag of nightlife, exercises, and the islands best shoreline. Seven mile shoreline is likewise home to numerous manors and condominiums, which makes the island a destination for families, and long haul vacationers.

Americans won’t fine eating on Grand Cayman any unique in relation to the place where they grew up. The sustenance on the island is all that much affected by the U.S. You can fine gourmet restaurants over the island, fast food burgers, and loads of pizza.

Presently in case you’re searching for an island with heaps of tropical blooms and shading, you may be frustrated. The Caymans don’t get much precipitation, and the island is secured with mangrove marshes, bunches of prickly plant and reptiles. The excellence of the Caymans is found in the water. The Caymans have extremely strict laws with respect to securing the coral reef framework, and the waters around the island are the absolute most flawless in the Caribbean. Whether snorkeling or plunging, you will have the capacity to view a plenitude of tropical fish, and the radiant sky blue shaded waters.

It’s genuinely simple getting around Grand Cayman, yet do expect movement and recall driving is on the left. Intriguing spots to visit incorporate the Turtle Farm, Stingray City, and the town of Hell.

The Turtle Farm is found on the north shore of Grand Cayman. Here you’ll discover a five star exploration station and reproducing ranch. This is one of the few places in the Caribbean where guests can get an up close take a gander at these old goliaths. The immense green ocean turtles are more or less six feet long, and weigh up to 600 pounds. Indeed those not normally inspired by turtles will discover the Turtle Farm of investment, and get some incredible photographs.

Stingray City Tours is home to a percentage of the friendliest stingrays you’ll ever find. It’s difficult to tell who’s having a fabulous time, the traveler or the stingrays. When the visit watercraft pulls up, the stingrays quickly show up around the zone. The stingrays are accustomed to being encouraged, so on the off chance that you anticipate connecting with them in the water, be arranged with sustenance – ideally squid. It’s truly overpowering to discover a stingray totally drifting over your body searching for nourishment. They don’t nibble, however rather leave little “hickie” marks.

A standout amongst the most loved towns is Hell, and the most loved destination here is the mail station. Everybody needs to send a postcard stamped from Hell. The town sets on a barbed rock, looks rather devastate, and they are very few photograph opps here.

Local people are benevolent, constantly accommodating, and fairly formal in their welcome. The neighborhood populace is a blend of African and European heritage, and one of the all the more fascinating properties of the nearby dark populace is their rosy hair. The nearby codes forbid naked showering, and guests are not permitted to stroll around town in their swimming outfits. Islanders are very genuine about their surroundings, and anticipate that guests will regard their reefs, conduits and shorelines. Guests discovered taking or harming coral or fish won’t be dealt with generous by neighborhood authorities.

In general, the Caymans give an awesome destination to water sports devotees, families and shoreline mates.

What to Expect When Visiting Stingray City Tours

Grand Cayman, one of the best plunge spots on the planet, has numerous points of interest over different islands in the Caribbean. English-talking inhabitants, astonishing scuba plunging or snorkeling, and Rum Point are what I recollect most about this exceptional island.

Going to an island without the requirement for a mediator is extraordinary. Everybody talks English on the grounds that the Cayman Islands are a British Overseas Territory. The markets are similar to the ones at home with well known imports from the U.S. They acknowledge the U.S. dollar, despite the fact that it is worth around 20% not as much as a couple of years prior. Visit our site

Obviously, the significant purpose behind going by Grand Cayman Island is to experience the reefs, a portion of the best on the planet. Whether you do scuba or snorkeling, you will think that it delightful. The fortunes under the ocean for either wear can’t be matched in this side of the equator. You can actually swim a short separation off most shorelines to appreciate incredible snorkeling. I suggest booking your lodging on the shoreline as we did as such you can do simply that. Looking out for times of insignificant journey ship action will significantly upgrade your trek, too. It can get unfathomably gathered when the boats arrive.

Instead of leasing an auto that resembled one at home, my companion and I picked a jeep with openings in the floorboard and draw down blinds for windows. We needed to feel like we were on an island and we were not frustrated, actually when it rained. The islanders were neighborly and charming in helping us explore the English style driving on the left half of the street. We were the most befuddled at stop signs. When we required it, a smiling gentleman in the auto inverse us would understandingly wave us to one side spot. Visitor exchange is the greatest wellspring of salary, so they appear to be truly glad to help guests.

Leasing a vehicle opened up the chance to visit Rum Point, 1.5 hours around to the end of the island. The view along the way is awesome. When you at last get there, you feel like time has stood still. There is the sense you are toward the end of the earth, it is so serene. You can snorkel, appreciate the sun or surf and consume at the restaurant. We loved it so much we did a reversal, just on a vessel that lets you off for the day and lifts you up later. What a magnificent spot! Next time I would love to lease one of the bungalows at Rum Point to invest additional time there.

One of the essential trips at Grand Cayman is to visit Stingray City Trips. The visits take you by vessel, snorkel or jump adapt in tow, to the North Harbor where eras of well disposed sting beams assemble. History lets us know that ships used to clean their catch into the waters where holding up beams started to anticipate the passage. Presently, everything you need is some goad to fulfill them. Really, Stingray City is deeper water (12 feet) where jumpers can appreciate the experience.

We went close-by to the Stingray City Tours Sandbar, which midpoints 3+ feet profound. We hopped into the shallow waters of the sand bar to appreciate a whirlwind of beams swimming about us searching for sustenance. Sometimes, you would feel a tail touching your leg. They are tame to the point that we even held a sting beam in our arms. We did hear screams from frightened female snorkelers, albeit there was no requirement for trepidation. Make certain to book a catamaran, not some huge visit watercraft. The individualized consideration and littler gathering in the water with the beams will make it a significantly more charming knowledge for you.

There are two littler islands making up the trio called the Cayman Islands. Cayman Brac and Little Cayman each one gloat special treats for the vacationer. There is astounding plunging off Little Cayman or more water buckles and rock getting on Cayman Brac, yet there is a 30 or 40 moment plane trek, or more pontoon ride to get to them. For the most value for your money, appreciate Grand Cayman, with its numerous pleasures. You won’t have any desire to leave and for sure, after you abandon you will be aching to return.

Swim with your family on Stingray City Trips

In the Cayman Islands there is one fascination that numerous sightseers ran to, Stingray City. Since the crocodile seeker, Steve Irwin, kicked the bucket from a noxious point while plunging at the Great Barrier Reef, tourism to the Stingray City has altogether dropped.

The well known site was perceived around fifteen years prior. Numerous anglers would control their vessels over the reef to the calmer and shallower waters to clean their catch. Somewhat later they recognize that the stingrays, foragers by nature, would stick around the pontoons to get a free lunch. As this data got around an exceptionally overcome jump expert got into the water to hand nourish them and Stingray City was conceived. Presently those stingrays are exceptionally agreeable. Visit our site


Stingrays are regularly dreaded because of the sharp points in their tails and the harm they contain, yet the stingrays at Stingray City are not forceful and they would not assault unless it is in self protection. In the event that people approach them in a serene way they won’t assault.

Stingray City has a superb health record and the Department of Environment plans to keep it that way. They have drafted a set of confinements for the North Sound region where Stingray City is spotted. They are confining the quantity of visitors in the water and the quantity of pontoons convey paying travelers to the site. Lifting a beam out of the water and is entirely illegal. Vessels are not permitted to stay over the reef. Nothing other than squid or fish may be encouraged to the beams.

Visit administrators are in charge of not leaving any over abundance sustenance at the site. Each one pontoon must have overlaid sheets accessible for travelers to peruse about the Stingrays Biology. Any individual who takes part in the nourishing project must be made mindful of the potential dangers of sustaining the beams. Anybody that breaks these limitations will be fined $5,000.00 and his permit will be denied.

The thing that is not generally known is that the beam that slaughtered Steve Irwin was a bull beam. Bull beams can be discovered just in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. This a substantially more forceful beam than the ones found at Stingray City. The beams at Stingray City are non forceful and will permit collaboration with people in their domain.

Be sensible when you are going by Stingray City Trips. Don’t pursue the beams or draw on their tails. At the point when nourishing them put the squid or shrimp on the again of your fisted hand. Continuously let the stingrays come to you. In the event that you have nourishment they will. Furthermore don’t be perplexed on the off chance that they tenderly knock with their noses, they are searching for nourishment. You don’t need to be a decent swimmer as the water where the beams gather is just waist profound in the event that you are a normal measured grown-up.

On the off chance that you are still not persuaded that it is sheltered to swim and food the stingrays, pick a glass base water craft visit. You will have the capacity to see these great animals of the ocean in real life.

Albeit some individuals will now not go to this remarkable fascination in light of Irwin’s demise you really don’t have to trepidation the Rays at Stingray City. It is a standout amongst the most charming attractions that you will see in the Caribbean.

Locations to See in Grand Cayman Island

Grand Cayman Island is an extremely appreciated voyage vessel safe house of bring in the western Caribbean. Like Costa Rica, the Cayman Islands were found by Columbus. He initially named them Las Tortugas as of the a large number turtles on the islands. They were presently renamed Cayman for the crocodiles on the island. In our day the Caymans are a most essential Caribbean managing an account and financial center point and an acknowledged voyage and occasion terminus. Albeit Grand Cayman is level and moderately unappealing, its careless duty and saving money laws have seen tycoon inhabitants from around the planet.Its completely clear water and shimmering shorelines don’t hurt either!

One of the top shoreline journeys in the Caribbean is on Grand Cayman. Paddling with stingrays by Stingray City is extremely popular with all ages. From 30 to 100 stingrays visit the peace waters of shallow North Sound, which is arranged not far-removed from two miles east of the northwestern tip of Grand Cayman. Voyagers to the region can oar or snorkel in the middle of these peaceful creatures. An interchange shore journey permits you to witness the stingrays from the dryness of a glass base watercraft. This journey what’s more incorporates an island visit and a stop at the Cayman Turtle Farm, the single beneficial ocean turtle nursery in the planet.

Great Cayman is also one Caribbean spots where you can go on a semi-submarine. This shore outing besides gives individuals the opportunity to visit the undersea region around Grand Cayman. This “Cayman See and Sea Tour” incorporates a stopover at the Cayman Turtle Farm and the incredibly famous Seven Mile Beach. The excursion moreover frequents the little island city of Hell, a spectacular spot to send off a postcard back toward home!

The last Grand Cayman shore journey is beyond any doubt to create you sweat. Kayaking along the sensitive beachfront region makes individuals to imagine the huge mangrove groups, shallow ocean grass bunks, and coral reefs. What an unworried approach to set eyes on the numerous beachfront biological communities of Grand Cayman!
Stingray City at Grand Cayman Island is one of the generally extremely popular shore trips in the Caribbean. A hefty portion of voyage vessel sightseers and travelers urge to the minor ship drive from the northern side of Grand Cayman to intermix with these refined ocean creatures. Stingray City is spotted basically off the bank of Grand Cayman Island and makes up of a string of sand banishes that cross the North Sound from Morgan Harbor to Rum Point. Occupants propose that the stingrays began congregating into the region 10 years past when angler used to gut angle on the shallow sand bars. The stingrays would not review their regularly bashful qualities and consume on the guts of the cleaned fish. Immediately the stingrays began to connect the commotion of a dinghy engine with sustenance. In the late 1980s, jumpers starting encouraging squid to the stingrays, which is single of their best dinners. After a short time, many beams would show up throughout the day to be encouraged, pulled in by the cruiser motors and the memory of an inconvenience free feast.

Stingray City Trips

Nearby are three approaches to appreciate Stingray City. Each of the three need to do with a quick ship outing to the sand bar region at the North Sound. The visits can be sorted out on the voyage ship or at the dock. The to a great extent across the board is a snorkeling excursion. Numerous Caribbean handbook books say the snorkeling at Stingray City the “best snorkeling knowledge on the planet.” It basically has the majority of the identity of world-class snorkeling, for example, great clarity, Many benevolent stingrays and fish, and inconvenience free section. You don’t need to have any snorkeling background to take this shore outing, and the water is shallow, so you don’t need to be a finished swimmer.

The second approach to appreciate Stingray City is as a SCUBA jumper. It is spectacular making the plunge spot of every last one of reasons Stingray City is pivotal snorkeling.

The third approach to experience Stingray City is through glass base vessel. This option is a top notch inclination if the climate is excessively stormy in lieu of snorkeling (as it was the day we were there). Besides, a glass base watercraft ride can be assembled with a voyage through the island and its other driving vacation spots -the Cayman Turtle Farm and the “town” of Hell. Visit our site @ for information about Stingray City Tours.

The shoreline is varying with resort inns, yet we all affirmed that our perspective from the journey boat was superior to at all of the resorts. Leaving the transport, we took the compact watercraft ride into the North Sound to where the two glass base pontoons called the Stingray Explorer Observatories were tied down. Every one of us had a fabulous scene from our seats on the glass base watercraft, in spite of the fact that a couple of residents were a not sufficiently claustrophobic. The stingrays began surfacing even previously the jumper got into the water. He sustained them squid while we listened to a useful portrayal about the Stingray City region and the “life of a stingray”.

The jumper persuaded beams up to the windows, and we all got various astounding photographs of the beams by turning off the cam blaze and putting the cam lens totally beside the glass window. I’ve snorkeled with stingrays in French Polynesia and in the Bahamas, and was a minor dreadful that this trip would be disillusioning. On the other hand, it was an eminent option. I truth be told improved photographs of the stingrays, and I didn’t get wet! Consequent to survey the beams for around 20 minutes, we returned aground and proceeded with our trek to Hell and the Cayman Turtle Farm. The visit was a gopermittede and a spot on approach to picture the majority of the rest of the best areas on Grand Cayman in just a large portion of a day.

In the event that Grand Cayman Island is on your journey ship’s timetable, be sure to attempt and witness Stingray City. With three method for going to the region, its prescribed for all ages. You won’t be baffled.

Plan Your Trip to Stingray City

Individuals from diverse parts of the world craving to visit Cayman Island once in their life time. There are add up to three islands Little Cayman, Cayman Brac and Grand Cayman are referred to together as Cayman Islands. When you are wanting to visit this island, you may feel that even paradise can’t be superior to this spot. From the first step you can see different things here. The main thing that you will recognize in this island is the rock structures. Those structures are bizarre and fascinating. The best part is that you can discover cordial individuals around here, who can control you, in the event that you confront any inconveniences. A lot of great quality resorts and shoreline houses are accessible, with the goal that you can relax there and invest some at home time with your family and kids. When you are there, you will clearly appreciate the excellence of nature and the enchanted ocean in the meantime.


Fabulous Cayman Island is the biggest island of these islands. The excellence of Caribbean Sea makes the entire environment look great. It is essential for you to make all the game plans about your hotel first. It is a mainstream visitor objective for some individuals. Along these lines, you can pick the fancy resort or five star inns ahead of time for your own profit. You must arrangement a visit delineate that you can cover the vast majority of the excellent spots while staying at Cayman Islands. You may think about what number of things can be there in such three little islands. All things considered, these islands are loaded with attractions, and it may happen that toward the end of your trip you may feel to stay couple of days all the more here. Most created islands among them, is the Grand Cayman. So you can undoubtedly begin from here to make the entire excursion agreeable.

The sand bar and Stingray city tours are well known shoreline attractions in Cayman Islands. Essentially they are snorkeling locales. On the off chance that you love snorkeling then you will just love these spots. These locales are intriguing and in addition happening in the meantime. You can go through a sentimental day with your accomplice on the Seven Miles Beach. This is placed on the west side of the island and you can spend some disengaged minutes here to appreciate the nature without getting irritated by others. The water here is clear and quiet. The individuals who adoration snorkeling and swimming can have an incredible time here. You discover numerous visitors unwinding on the shoreline. This is really one five star resort, yet here you can appreciate all the offices as though you are going on the shoreline itself.

The most seasoned building of the island is Pedro Castle. You ought not miss this spot. The construction modeling and celebrating history will doubtlessly draw in your eyes. The individuals who adoration turtles and untamed life must visit Turtle Farm. In this island, you can discover give or take 16000 turtles of different sizes and species. Caribbean Sea and Grand Cayman Islands are well known for the wonderful shorelines. You can likewise strive for a voyage outing to visit all the spots here. When you procure the journey, you can begin a sentimental voyage trip to those three islands and can make your visit essential. It is not about spending a get-away, however it is about getting a charge out of it. is best place to gather useful information about Grand Cayman Island, Stingray city trips, Cayman Islands Vacation and Grand Cayman.

Snorkeling in Stingray City on Your Family Holiday

Communicating with the submerged city of stingrays off the bank of Grand Cayman may very well be the highlight of your family occasion to the Caribbean.

Just off the bank of Grand Cayman Island, in the sandbar-rich shallow waters of the North Sound, you’ll discover a genuinely remarkable evening enterprise for your family occasion in the Caribbean, in the emerald-blue waters of the unprecedented Stingray City.

Rushing to the submerged endeavour

Since as far over as the 1970’s, this territory has been swarming with schools of benevolent stingrays. Initially pulled in to the territory to devour the disposed of fish stays from anglers securing down to clean their find, years of molding – and the commonplace sound of engines in the region – has brought a consistent populace of stingrays here to exploit the simple sustenance. Today, mechanized lodge cruisers and glass base vessels bring herds of endeavor seekers every day to Stingray City trips to swim and snorkel with these titan tender animals.

The region is considered by numerous to be one of the best places on the planet for snorkeling and with a normal gathering size of 30 individuals, you’ll be getting a charge out of a flawless snorkeling background while being truly expelled from the masses. There are a few organizations that offer every day outings out to Stingray City and very nearly all accompany gleaming surveys. The teams who take you out and furnish you with all the guideline and rigging you’ll need are much the same as the populace of Grand Cayman Island, amicable and extremely obliging.

Unwinding in the wild: a restoring outing

Regardless of on the off chance that you’ve gone ahead your family occasion to the Caribbean with adolescent kids or you’ve accompanied your young grown-up youngsters, at Stingray City tours everybody can get wet and have a great time. The water here is shallow to the point that you don’t need to be an accomplished snorkeler – or even a master swimmer – to have a great time, and the wonderful waters of the North Sound are so clear as can be that you can see the magnificent stingrays floating through the zone without actually leaving the watercraft!

In case you’re considering, “Swimming with stingrays, are you insane?” There’s nothing to dread. Despite the fact that their name sounds horrible, their identities are manageable and loose. A great many people are naturally a bit uncomfortable to bounce in waters swarming with monster stingrays, right away. That is the place the enterprise comes in! When you take that jump into the Caribbean Sea, you’ll see that after simply a short while in the waters collaborating with and sustaining these charitable creatures, you’ll be totally calm and having a great time!

Catch your brush with the stingrays amid your family occasion to the Caribbean

Bear in mind your cams. The perspectives from the vessel – of both the impeccable Grand Cayman coastline and the sea creatures under the waters – are stunning and once you bounce in the water, you need to get no less than one picture planting a kiss on an inquisitive stingray. This exciting excursion is $35-$50 and will make your family occasion to the Caribbean extraordinary. It might possibly be the highlight of an excursion overwhelmed with extremely paramount minutes.

Stingray City Trips – Vacation in the Caribbean

Further from the shoreline of Grand Cayman Island, in the edge rich slender bathwaters of the North Sound, you’ll find a truly unique night investigation for your family unit excursion in the Caribbean, in the splendid green-blue seawaters of the shocking Stingray City.

Social event to the underwater adventure

Back in the years 1970’s, this area has been gathered with establishments of average stingrays. Once in the past spoke to the region to enjoy on the superfluous fish remainders from anglers securing down to wash their catch, years of preparing – and the conspicuous resonation of motors in the quarter – has created an unfaltering tenants of stingrays here to take advantage of the relaxed support. These days, engine fueled cabin vessels and glass base yachts pass on crowds of endeavor – seekers consistently to Stingray City to bathe and snorkel with these giant cool mammoths.

Visit our site @ for further information Cayman Islands Stingray City Tours

The area is regarded by parts to be one of the finest areas on earth for snorkeling and with a normal troop measure of 30 people; you’ll be savoring an impeccable snorkeling contribution while being completely detached from the multitudes. There are a few endeavors that propose customary excursions out to Stingray Town and almost all touch base with splendid assessments. The groups who take you out and supply you with all the mandate and obliged outfit are basically indistinguishable to the people of Grand Cayman Island, generous and exceptionally agreeable.

Calming in the remote: a revitalizing departure

The marine here is low to the point that you don’t need to be an adroit snorkeler – or even an expert jumper – to have delight, and the exquisite waters of the North Resonance are so mineral clear that you can see the regal stingrays sliding through the zone without actually leaving the vessel!

When you’re considering, “Swimming with stingrays, are you loopy?” There’s nothing to fear. In spite of the fact that their name sounds awful, their identities are agreeable and loose. The vast majority are naturally a bit uncomfortable to hop in waters swarming with enormous stingrays, from the beginning. That is the place the excursion is accessible in! Once you’re taking that jump into the Caribbean Sea, you may find that after essentially a short while inside the waters connecting with and bolstering these thoughtful creatures, you may be totally calm and having sufficient energy of your life!

Capture your brush with the stingrays during your family holiday to the Caribbean

Keep in mind your cams. The perspectives from the pontoon – of both the perfect Grand Cayman shoreline and the sea creatures underneath the waters – are stunning and when you take off inside the water, you have to get no less than one picture planting a kiss on an inquisitive stingray city.

Discover a world of opportunities with Cayman Private Charters!

Cayman Motor Yacht

Whether in the hunt for a trophy, or simply enjoying a fast day on the water, Back R Down delivers big. Performance and styling are equally important to the tournament fisherman, ride comfort and seakeeping in rough water are also something to consider .

Visit our site @ for more details on Best Stingray City Tours

Let us start with a little bit about the Cayman Islands and why we are so blessed to have an abundant, all-year-round fish population.Our “dear verdant island, set in blue Caribbean sea…” as sung in the National Song is situated in the western Caribbean sea at the peak of an underwater ridge known as the Cayman Ridge. The ridge flanks the Cayman Trough some 6,000 m (20,000 ft) deep which lies 6km (3.7 mi) to the south and just a few hundred yards off the coast of Grand Cayman, the reefs go as deep as 800 feet so if you are into fishing come prepared to pull in blue marlin, wahoo, mahi-mahi, tuna, and barracuda without having to go very far.

The Cayman Islands are a true fisherman’s paradise with marlin, tuna, wahoo, mahi mahi, swordfish and shark found in abundance all year round. We do not have “low season” for fishing in the Cayman Islands although a few types of fish are more visible in certains months. Plan your trip at your convenience, with half- and full-day fishing trips available daily no matter the time of year. Warm weather all 12 months means you can take to the seas anytime.

Cayman Mahi Mahi Dolphin

Deep Sea Fishing

A full-day trip can take you to the Cayman Islands Banks. This famous location, 12 miles offshore, offers big catches of wahoo, mahi mahi and tuna. The Cayman Banks are coral pinnacles, which are found in the middle of the sea, rising from 10,000 feet of water to barely 40 feet beneath the surface. This deep-sea experience is a fisherman’s dream.

Cayman Blue Marlin Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing

Get ready to easily find grouper, snapper, and jacks, just a few hundred feet from shore. Reef fishing charters are most often scheduled as half-day charters (8 AM until 12 noon, and 1-5 PM) but if you like we can extend it to a full day for you.

Cayman wahoo deep sea Fishing

The tradition in Grand Cayman is that 1/3 of the catch (or an edible amount, whichever is smaller) goes to those fishing, and 2/3 of the catch goes to the boat. Our crew will be happy to filet the fish for you.

Cayman yellow fin Fishing

As a fisherman you know a catch is not always guaranteed, but with our highly experienced local captains you sure stand a higher chancesof telling your own story.

Cayman yellow fin FishingCayman barracuda fin Fishing

Cayman Seabob

What is the Seabob?

Watching dolphins in motion can be a very uplifting experience as they move ever so gracefully through the water. If you love diving and want to traverse the vast underwater world just like how dolphins do, perhaps the SeaBob device is your cup of tea. The spawn between a jet-ski and a bodyboard, the SeaBob enables you to leap through waves or turn downward and head for the ocean floor (or up till where your body can take it) with enough speed, grace, and agility to make you perform at Seaworld performances.

The SeaBob has definitely created a niche in the recreational vehicle market by being one of its kind at the moment. Its entire body is made from hydrodynamic plastic, and your thumb controls the accelerator sensor. An electric impeller jet motor tugs you forward gently at first, but when you open full throttle, it is capable of pulling you through at speeds of up to 15km/h. While this idea sound great in theory, I do have my apprehensions since it might be too fast for some, and should you go down too deep and lose control of the SeaBob, what’s going to happen to you?

Visit our website @ for further info on Stingray City Grand Cayman Tours.

You steer the SeaBob by shifting your bodyweight around while your legs act like the tail of a fast fish. Designed in Germany, the SeaBob comes with an LCD cockpit display that shows various information such as engine power, remaining operating time (essential since you would like to get back to the surface with the SeaBob, don’t you?) charge state, water temperature, and a depth gauge. The SeaBob can be adjusted to go up to 40 metres, but the standard setting shuts off the engine if you go deeper than 2.5 metres. Just make sure you know where you’re headed, as colliding with a rock or a jet ski ain’t gonna be a pretty sight.

Deep Stingray City and Stingray City Sand Bar

Welcome to our Stingray city tours page where you can find out everything there is to know about the amazing Cayman Islands’ Stingrays.

Male stingrays are about 2-3ft from Wingspan and Female stingrays 3-4 ft and weighing about 180lbs

Southern Atlantic Stingrays

(Dasyatis americana)

Female are the largest of the species, upperbody is like fine gray sand paper and the underbody smooth like silk, they don’t have any teeth what they have is cartlidge, and a suction that’s equivalent to 5 heavyduty vaccum cleaners. Eyes are on top, mouths are directly under the eyes at the bottom.

They have a spine down its back area is very rough on the hands, some of them do have stingers, most people believe the stingers is at the end of the tail, but is not, is about 3rd the way down the tail. They only grow one stinger in its lifetime. They give life birth, The pups hatch from their egg capsules inside the mother’s brood chambers, and are born soon afterwards. each creature would pop around 5 to 7 pups, as often as twice a year…. they live for about 40 years, and their top speed is about 40 miles per hour. They have sensors in their wings to detect baby octopus, small crusteceans, and any mussle that grow on shells. They ocassionally eat small fish.

Stingray city trips

In Grand Cayman the Stingrays Swim with divers and snorkelers as they have grown accustomed to being fed, held and caressed by humans. Most of the local Stingray handlers will teach you how to pet them, feed them squid, hold them and kiss them.

Our captain Arthur will give you a “famous” stingray back or full body massage as careful as possible to avoid the abuse of the creatures..

Stingrays are usually docile and curious, their usual reaction is fleeing at any disturbance.


1. Hold the squid in a upright position with 2/3 of it sticking out of your loosely clenched fist as in the picture above!

2. Put the squid directly underneath the Stingray directly below the eyes where the mouth is located.

3. Remember to release the squid when you feel the Stingray’ suction